Agricultural industry

The agribusiness of the Smolensk Region, with farming being its leading industry, is the key sphere of the regional economy constituting the agricultural food market, food and economic security, labour and settlement potential of the rural areas, its share in the regional GRP amounts to 7%.

Agricultural organisations
Farms and individual entrepreneurs
128 thousand
homesteading citizens.
1,7 mln ha
including 1.2 mln ha of plough lands.

The livestock breeding is a key branch of the regional agriculture; it has 55% in the product structure of the regional agricultural production.

Ведущая отрасль – молочно-мясное животноводство

1st quarter 2016г.:

199 087,9 tons
85 452,3 tons
Cattle and birds
108 248 livestock
Cattle stock
214 165,8 thousand pieces

Priorities of
agricultural policy

Favourable conditions for agricultural business, competitiveness recovery of products and their sale.

Creation of investment sites and attraction of investment.

Financial sustainability of agricultural business.

Complex development of rural areas.