National rating


The national rating system is an element of complex measures which help to improve investment climate in the RF regions.

Initiated by Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation, the project was launched in 2014, the leading business associations and the autonomous non-profit organization “Agency for strategic initiatives” joined their effort to promote new projects and assess the investment climate in the RF regions. The project analyses the measures taken by authorities and shares best practices.

Organising Committee


Aleksey Vladimirovich Ostrovskiy
Governor of the Smolensk Region

Vasiliy Nikolaevich Anokhin
Vice-Governor of the Smolensk Region

Rostislav Leonidovich Rovbel
Vice-Governor of the Smolensk Region, Head, Investment Development Department of the Smolensk Region

Project office

Rovbel Rostislav Leonidovich
Vice-Governor of the Smolensk Region; Head, Investment Development Department of the Smolensk Region; Head Project Office

Working groups

Electricity and gas connection

«Administrative pressure on business»

qualifications and availability»

«Institutions of business guarantees»

«Private-public partnership»

«Non-financial support of small business»

of telecommunication»

«Licensing procedures in construction»

«Licensing procedures in medical activity»

«Quality of infrastructure facilities»

«Cadastral registration procedures of land and quality of spatial planning»

«Licensing procedures in passenger vehicle transportation»

«Legal body registration»

«Financial support of small business»

«Property rights registration»

«Organizational mechanisms of business support, quality of information support of investors and business»

«Organisation, infrastructural and information support of small business»

«The level of small business development in the Smolensk Region»

«Building permit; administrative pressure on business, quality of infrastructure facilities; efficiency of non-financial support of small business»

Road maps

The recommendations for the improvement of the investment climate in the Smolensk Region were based on the best regional practices estimated by the ASI. The road map was designed with due consideration for the recommendations of business community, Project Office and Organizational Committee. It defines the key indices and their specific data values which should be achieved upon the implementation of the proposed measures.


ASI best practices

The National rating of the investment climate in the RF regions helped to identify the leading regions with best practices. The fruitful dialogue between business and authority results in active dissemination of best practices.

Best Practices Download


ASI Best Management Practices Download
