In 2015 the Smolensk Region had the highest detection rate in the Central Federal District. Crime detection of grievous and extremely grievous crimes amounted to 99,5 %, car theft was 60 %. In comparison, the detection rate of car theft 5 years ago did not exceed 25%. The detection rate of residential burglary is 76 %.
In the first six months of 2016 there was a decline in the number of bribes in comparison to 2015. This crime decreased by 50%, the number of bribes in 2016 was 35 whereas in 2015 it was 71.
The level of juvenile delinquency tends to decrease as well. In 2016 the number of crimes committed by young people reduced by 28,2% from 156 to 112 crimes. The number of criminals under 18 also dropped by 28,7%.
In the first six months of 2016 116 mln rubles were returned due to the work of the prosecution service.
There were registered over 2000 cases of violation of entrepreneurs' rights.